@article{oai:jumonji-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000076, author = {池間, 里代子 and Riyoko, IKEMA}, journal = {十文字学園女子大学紀要, Bulletin of Jumonji University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Yasuzaemon Matsunaga, called the King of Electric Power, exercised his ability as a businessman and a politician before World War II, exerting a significant influence on the electric power and energy industry in Japan. However, as people sensed a war approaching, he bided his time in and around Niiza, Saitama Prefecture, while devoting himself to the tea ceremony. After the war, he donated to the government the tea arbors and ceremonial tea utensils he had collected, and laid the foundations for the growth of the power industry and the construction of industrial roads and dams. This paper sheds light on the days of Yasuzaemon Matsunaga in Niiza to rediscover his achievements.}, pages = {249--258}, title = {新座歴史探訪―松永安左エ門(耳庵)の新座時代を中心に―}, volume = {47}, year = {2017}, yomi = {イケマ, リヨコ} }